eid-viewer library
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OpenSSL-based helper functions


file  certhelpers.h
 Certificate helper functions. Linux/OSX only.
file  verify_cert.h
 Helper functions to deal with certificate validation using OpenSSL. Linux/OSX only.


enum  dump_type { DUMP_DER , DUMP_PEM }


DllExport char * eid_vwr_get_use_flags (const char *label, X509 *cert)
 Get the X.509v3 Key Usage field of the given certificate.
DllExport char * eid_vwr_detail_cert (const char *label, X509 *cert)
 Get a printable version of the certificate's distinguished name (DN).
DllExport char * eid_vwr_describe_cert (const char *label, X509 *cert)
 Get a useful label for the certificate.
DllExport void eid_vwr_dumpcert (int fd, const void *derdata, int len, enum dump_type how)
 Write the given certificate to a file descriptor.
DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_cert (const void *certificate, size_t certlen, const void *ca, size_t calen, const void *(*perform_ocsp_request)(char *, void *, long, long *, void **), void(*free_ocsp_request)(void *))
 Verify the validity of a leaf certificate.
DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_cert_full (const void *certificate, size_t certlen, const void *ca, size_t calen, const void *(*perform_ocsp_request)(char *, void *, long, long *, void **), void(*free_ocsp_request)(void *), uint64_t flags)
 Verify the validity of a leaf certificate, specifying options.
DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_int_cert (const void *certificate, size_t certlen, const void *root, size_t rootlen, const void *(*perform_http_request)(char *, long *, void **), void(free_http_request)(void *))
 Verify the validity of an intermediate certificate.
DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_rrncert (const void *certificate, size_t certlen, const void *root_cert, size_t rootlen)
 Verify the validity of the RRN certificate.
DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_root_cert (const void *certificate, size_t certlen)
 Verify the validity of the root certificate.
DllExport char * eid_vwr_x509_get_details (const void *certificate, size_t certlen)
 Produce a human-readable version of the certificate.
DllExport void eid_vwr_check_signature (const void *pubkey, size_t pubkeylen, const void *signature, size_t siglen, const void *data, size_t datalen)
 helper function to verify that an ECDSA signature is correct.

Detailed Description

These functions are available on GNU/Linux and OS X only.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dump_type

enum dump_type

File type to be used when dumping data to a file


Dump using ASN.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)


Dump in PEM format.

Function Documentation

◆ eid_vwr_check_signature()

DllExport void eid_vwr_check_signature ( const void *  pubkey,
size_t  pubkeylen,
const void *  signature,
size_t  siglen,
const void *  data,
size_t  datalen 

helper function to verify that an ECDSA signature is correct.

pubkeythe public (ECDSA) key to be used, in X9.62 raw format
pubkeylenthe length of pubkey
signaturethe signature to verify
siglenthe length of signature
this method only verifies that the signature is correct, nothing more; notably, it does not verify that the key is trusted or anything of the sorts.

◆ eid_vwr_describe_cert()

DllExport char * eid_vwr_describe_cert ( const char *  label,
X509 *  cert 

Get a useful label for the certificate.

labela fallback label, to be used if nothing better can be found
certthe certificate to parse
the certificate's Common Name field, or a copy of the value of the label parameter if the certificate has no common name. Should be free()d by the caller when no longer needed.

◆ eid_vwr_detail_cert()

DllExport char * eid_vwr_detail_cert ( const char *  label,
X509 *  cert 

Get a printable version of the certificate's distinguished name (DN).

labelnot used
certthe certificate to parse
a multi-line version of the certificate's distinguished name, as displayed on the eID Viewer's "certificates" pane. Should be free()d by the caller when no longer needed.

◆ eid_vwr_dumpcert()

DllExport void eid_vwr_dumpcert ( int  fd,
const void *  derdata,
int  len,
enum dump_type  how 

Write the given certificate to a file descriptor.

fdthe filedescriptor to write to
derdatathe certificate in DER format
lenthe length in bytes of the preceding parameter
howwhich format to use when writing

◆ eid_vwr_get_use_flags()

DllExport char * eid_vwr_get_use_flags ( const char *  label,
X509 *  cert 

Get the X.509v3 Key Usage field of the given certificate.

labelnot used
certthe certificate to parse
a string representation of the X.509v3 Key Usage field, as produced by OpenSSL. Should be free()d by the caller when no longer needed.

◆ eid_vwr_verify_cert()

DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_cert ( const void *  certificate,
size_t  certlen,
const void *  ca,
size_t  calen,
const void *(*)(char *, void *, long, long *, void **)  perform_ocsp_request,
void(*)(void *)  free_ocsp_request 

Verify the validity of a leaf certificate.

This function will verify the validity of a leaf certificate by checking signatures, ensuring they're signed by a valid root certificate, and performing an OCSP request against the OCSP server.

certificatethe X.509 certificate to check, in DER format.
certlenthe length (in bytes) of certificate.
cathe CA certificate by which the certificate is signed
calenthe length (in bytes) of ca
perform_ocsp_requesta pointer to a function which should perform an HTTP POST request and return the reply. It should return the data as returned by the OCSP server. Its parameters are:
  • the URL for the OCSP server
  • the data that should be sent (by way of an HTTP POST request) to the OCSP server
  • the length of the above data
  • a pointer to store the length of the returned body
  • a pointer to store a handle to the request (which may, but is not required to, be the same as as the return value).
free_ocsp_requestcalled when the return value of perform_ocsp_request is no longer needed. Its parameter will be the data which was returned in perform_ocsp_request's last parameter.

◆ eid_vwr_verify_cert_full()

DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_cert_full ( const void *  certificate,
size_t  certlen,
const void *  ca,
size_t  calen,
const void *(*)(char *, void *, long, long *, void **)  perform_ocsp_request,
void(*)(void *)  free_ocsp_request,
uint64_t  flags 

Verify the validity of a leaf certificate, specifying options.

This function will do the same thing as eid_vwr_verify_cert(), except that it allows to specify options through the "flags" parameter.

Valid options include:

  • EID_VWR_NO_OCSP_ALLOWLIST: Specify that the OCSP URL should not be checked against a whitelist of known OCSP URLs.

◆ eid_vwr_verify_int_cert()

DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_int_cert ( const void *  certificate,
size_t  certlen,
const void *  root,
size_t  rootlen,
const void *(*)(char *, long *, void **)  perform_http_request,
void(free_http_request)(void *)   

Verify the validity of an intermediate certificate.

This function will verify the validity of an intermediate certificate by checking signatures, ensuring they're signed by a valid root certificate, and performing a CRL check against the correct CRL.

certificatethe X.509 certificate to check, in DER format.
certlenthe length (in bytes) of certificate.
rootthe root certificate by which the certificate is signed
rootlenthe length (in bytes) of root.
perform_http_requesta pointer to a function which should perform an HTTP GET request and return the reply. It should return the data as returned by the webserver in question. Its parameters are:
  • The URL of the resource to retrieve
  • A pointer to store the length of the returned body
  • A pointer to store a handle to the request (which may, but is not required to, be the same as the return value).
free_http_requestcalled when the return value of perform_http_request is no longer needed. Its parameter will be the data which was returned in perform_http_request's last parameter.

◆ eid_vwr_verify_root_cert()

DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_root_cert ( const void *  certificate,
size_t  certlen 

Verify the validity of the root certificate.

This function will verify the validity of the root certificate by checking if the certificate can be found in the trust store.

certificatethe X.509 certificate to check, in DER format
certlenthe length (in bytes) of certificate.

◆ eid_vwr_verify_rrncert()

DllExport enum eid_vwr_result eid_vwr_verify_rrncert ( const void *  certificate,
size_t  certlen,
const void *  root_cert,
size_t  rootlen 

Verify the validity of the RRN certificate.

This function will verify the validity of the RRN certificate by checking that the certificate is signed by a valid root certificate.

This function will not perform an OCSP request, since the root CA does not have an OCSP server.
certificatethe X.509 certificate to check, in DER format.
certlenthe length (in bytes) of certificate.

◆ eid_vwr_x509_get_details()

DllExport char * eid_vwr_x509_get_details ( const void *  certificate,
size_t  certlen 

Produce a human-readable version of the certificate.

This function will call OpenSSL's X509_print_ex() function on the given certificate which produces the output as produced by the command-line call "openssl x509 -in <certificate> -text".

certificatethe certificate for which to get details
certlenthe length of certificate
a text representation of the certificate. Should be free()d when no longer required.